This site endeavors to wrestle with Jesus, the Scriptures, the proclamation of the kingdom of God,
the call and mission of the Church as bearers of the kingdom, and the challenge of living in the 21st century.

  Kingdom & Color
America's Racial Divide and the Church  

Join us for a bold series that digs deep into the intersection of politics, the church, and racism in America. We will examine the historical and present realities of racial discrimination and how the church has been both a beacon of hope and an accomplice to oppression. Through candid conversations and powerful testimonies from those who have lived through racism, we will challenge the church to reckon with its past and inspire action toward a just and inclusive future.

Mon Sept 23
6:00 pm PST
9:00 pm EST
Follow this link to attend

Determinetruth Podcast
Reclaiming the Mission: A Journey Through 2nd Corinthians

Join us for an in-depth exploration of 2nd Corinthians as we unpack the Apostle Paul's teachings on leadership and the mission of the church. This series will delve into the challenges and responsibilities of church leadership, reflecting on how these ancient principles apply to the church today. We will critically examine how much of the present Western church has strayed from the biblical ideals laid out in this powerful letter and discuss ways to realign our practices with the true mission of the church. Whether you're a leader, a church member, or simply someone seeking a deeper understanding of the church's role in the world, this series will offer insights and practical wisdom to inspire change and growth.
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To listen to this week's podcast: click here


A Just Peace is the only hope for Israelis and Palestinians

“When you commit crimes against another you are not only hurting them, you are also damaging your own soul” (Wendell Berry, The Need to be Whole). Two years ago I wrote a series of posts titled: The Status Quo ain’t the Status Quo. (links for each post can be found below). In those posts, I […]

Isr-Pal: What if we don’t speak up and then it is too late?

The West Bank is under siege by Israel With all the attention on the war on Gaza, extremists within the Israeli government have seized the opportunity to intensify the oppression of the Palestinians in the West Bank. And things are beyond “out of control.” In fact, I fear that it will soon be too late […]

End the conflict in Gaza soon, or Israel may not survive

If the Israeli-Palestinian conflict does not find a swift resolution, it may never be resolved. By this, I mean that whatever resolution that eventually comes may well entail the erasure of either the Israelis or the Palestinians, or conceivably both. And it could well mean the destruction of the U.S. as well. NB: After I […]


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