This site endeavors to wrestle with Jesus, the Scriptures, the proclamation of the kingdom of God,
the call and mission of the Church as bearers of the kingdom, and the challenge of living in the 21st century.

Between two Kingdoms: Understanding the role of the Church in the State: with Michael Bird

Tune in for an engaging livestream featuring preeminent New Testament scholar Michael Bird as he discusses his latest book with NT WRight, "Jesus and the Powers." Explore the dynamic relationship between the church and the state, delving into timely insights on faith and governance. With Bird's expertise and prolific authorship, this conversation promises to offer illuminating perspectives on the role of the church in contemporary society. Don't miss this opportunity to engage with compelling ideas and thought-provoking discourse. Join us 
Monday April 29
6:30 pm PST / 9:30 pm EST
Click here to register

Determinetruth Podcast
Embark on a Journey of Revelation: Delving Deeper with Leading Christian Scholars:  

Coming in May, 2024
Upon the completion of our captivating exploration of the Book of Revelation, we're preparing for an exciting new phase. Join us as we transition into engaging interviews with some of the most esteemed Christian scholars.
What do these scholars believe is the most vital aspect of the Book of Revelation? How do they interpret the enigmatic figure of the Beast in today's world? And who or what do they identify as the Great Prostitute in our modern context?
These questions might pique our curiosity, but their answers are more than just intriguing; they're essential for the church today. Prepare to be challenged, enlightened, and inspired as we uncover profound insights together.
Subscribe now and join us on this transformative journey. Together, let's deepen our understanding and strengthen our faith as we seek wisdom from those who have dedicated their lives to the study of Scripture."
The Determinetruth Podcast is available on most streaming platforms

  The Prophetic Puzzle 
Ezekiel, Gog,
& Armageddon
with Jace Broadhurst

Is Iran’s attack on Israel a sign of the end times? Is prophecy being fulfilled before our eyes? Join Rob as he hosts OT Scholar Jace Broadhurst. Together they explore the prophecies of Ezek 38-39 and the “war of Gog and Magog”, as well as the book of Revelation’s “war of Armageddon.” Rob and Jace will debunk the popular readings of Ezekiel that posit a war between Russia, Iran, and Israel and discuss what Ezekiel and the book of Revelation
Apr 16
5:00pm PST / 8:00pm EST
Follow this link to attend

A Christian look at the war on Gaza #16
A Discussion with Palestinian Christian Pastor/Professor Alex Awad 

Join us for a compelling livestream as we delve into the complexities of the war on Gaza and the enduring struggle of the Palestinian people. Our special guest, Palestinian Christian Pastor/Professor Alex Awad, shares his poignant personal journey, from the tragic loss of his father to a sniper's bullet during the 1948 war on Jerusalem to the challenges faced as Israel annexed East Jerusalem in 1967, denying him the right to return to his home. Despite adversity, Alex's unwavering faith has led him to become a prominent figure in the establishment of Bethlehem Bible College and the Christian community in the West Bank. His story epitomizes resilience, love, and compassion in the midst of occupation. Tune in as we explore his powerful testimony of serving Christ amidst hardship and injustice
Apr 11 10:00am PST / 1:00pm EST
Click to Learn More


Out of control: College activists or limiting free speech?

What Makes America Great? In light of my recent series, “Why I believe the US is the Beast (empire),” some of you may suspect that I am anti-American. This is not true. I believe that power and money influence those in power most often align with the Beast of Revelation 13 and that the US, […]

College Campus Protests Unveil the Shadow of Antisemitism

NB: This is a guest post from Determinetruth’s Danny Hall It’s complicated When anyone asks me what I think about the current Israel/Gaza conflict this is the first thing that comes into my mind. The region has a very complicated history, with multiple and often competing narratives of how we arrived at the current situation. […]

The Dangerous love for Israel: blind devotion? Part 2

When it comes to Israel, Gaza, Russia, and Iran many Christians are decidedly in favor of Israel. There is a sense in which this is fine. After all, Christians’ support for Israelis could be considered an example of loving our neighbor. In my last post, I laid a foundation arguing that the mission of God’s […]


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