This site endeavors to wrestle with Jesus, the Scriptures, the proclamation of the kingdom of God,
the call and mission of the Church as bearers of the kingdom, and the challenge of living in the 21st century.

  Under Siege: Voices from the West Bank Amidst Gaza's Shadows
A Conversation with Mercy Aiken

As global attention remains fixed on the devastation in Gaza, a surge of violence and oppression is gripping the West Bank. Palestinians face an increase in military detentions, evictions from their homes and their land, and an escalation in violence from radical settlers, all amid an international silence. Join Determinetruth for this conversation with the Network of Evangelicals for the Middle East (NEME) as we bring reports from the land. For this livestream, we welcome Ben Norquist from NEME and Mercy Aiken from NEME and Peace Catalyst. Mercy will share her firsthand accounts of the worsening conditions from her recent trip to the West Bank. This livestream will highlight the urgent need for international solidarity and advocating for peace and justice for the sake of Israelis and Palestinians in this increasingly volatile region.
Note: some of the content of this discussion will not be suitable for children
Aug 31
5:30 pm PST
8:30 pm EST
Follow this link to attend

 Restoring Dignity Part 2: Revealing the Relationship Between Glory, Shame, and Violence with Kristin Caynor 

Join us for a thought-provoking livestream as we delve into the complex interplay of glory, shame, and violence with emerging scholar Kristin Caynor. In her doctoral research conducted in the UK, Kristin explores the profound implications of societal and personal loss of "glory" and the subsequent onset of shame-driven violence, whether on a national scale or within individuals battling personal demons such as addiction and self-harm.
In this livestream, we will specifically look at the war on Gaza and discuss why such violence does not stamp out terrorism but only leads to more violence and terrorism.
Through this conversation, we aim to uncover pathways to peace by understanding and restoring the intrinsic value, purpose, and meaning that underpin human dignity. Don't miss this enlightening discussion on the fundamental human quest for restoration and healing.

Tues Sept 10
5:00 pm PST /
8:00 pm EST
Follow this link to attend

Determinetruth Podcast
Reclaiming the Mission: A Journey Through 2nd Corinthians

Join us for an in-depth exploration of 2nd Corinthians as we unpack the Apostle Paul's teachings on leadership and the mission of the church. This series will delve into the challenges and responsibilities of church leadership, reflecting on how these ancient principles apply to the church today. We will critically examine how much of the present Western church has strayed from the biblical ideals laid out in this powerful letter and discuss ways to realign our practices with the true mission of the church. Whether you're a leader, a church member, or simply someone seeking a deeper understanding of the church's role in the world, this series will offer insights and practical wisdom to inspire change and growth.
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To listen to this week's podcast: click here


End the conflict in Gaza soon, or Israel may not survive

If the Israeli-Palestinian conflict does not find a swift resolution, it may never be resolved. By this, I mean that whatever resolution that eventually comes may well entail the erasure of either the Israelis or the Palestinians, or conceivably both. And it could well mean the destruction of the U.S. as well. NB: After I […]

Killing Children and Making a Profit: The MIC Rolls On

War is a business. And the Military-Industrial-Complex (MIC) profits from it. A lot. As I have noted in previous posts, my expertise is in the book of Revelation. For the past 25 years, I have been contemplating the nature of the Beast in Revelation 13 and what it means for us today. This has especially […]

Are we the bad guys?

This title derives from a recent blog by Craig Murray, “We Are the Bad Guys.” Craig is not a nobody. He is a former UK ambassador. He begins his post by noting, “In Murder in Samarkand I describe how as a British Ambassador, when I discovered the full extent of our complicity in torture in the War […]


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