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Revelation Revealed: The Beast, the False Prophet, and the Harlot Babylon in Today’s World (Episode 1)   

Join us as we explore the heart of the Book of Revelation and its message for the Church today. We will focus on the Beast (Antichrist?) and False Prophet of Revelation 13, as well as the Harlot Babylon of Revelation 17-18. We will uncover the Book of Revelation’s story and its call for Christians to love their neighbors with a cross-bearing love. This livestream series will challenge the Church's complacency, expose how the Beast and False Prophet have deceived us, and examine how the Harlot Babylon's prosperity represents the world's material excesses and how this has affected the Church today. Prepare to be challenged as we consider Revelation’s urgent missional call for our time. Join us as we discern what it truly means to follow the Lamb in these challenging times
February 19
8:00 EST / 5:00 PST 
Follow this link to watch

Revelation Revealed: The Rise of Corporate Power with Wes Howard-Brook (Episode 2)   

Who or what is the Beast, and what does it mean for us today? The answers may be more astonishing than you realize. In this livestream, author and scholar Wes Howard-Brook joins Rob as they dive into the book of Revelation, exploring how modern corporations have come to embody the Beast today. How do corporations wield their influence in ways that align with the Beast’s oppressive rule? And how should followers of Jesus respond? Join us as we unpack these urgent questions and challenge the church to resist the seductions of empire.
February 26
8:00 EST / 5:00 PST 
Follow this link to watch