Out of control: College activists or limiting free speech?

What Makes America Great? In light of my recent series, “Why I believe the US is the Beast (empire),” some of you may suspect that I am anti-American. This is not true. I believe that power and money influence those in power most often align with the Beast of Revelation 13 and that the US, […]

College Campus Protests Unveil the Shadow of Antisemitism

NB: This is a guest post from Determinetruth’s Danny Hall It’s complicated When anyone asks me what I think about the current Israel/Gaza conflict this is the first thing that comes into my mind. The region has a very complicated history, with multiple and often competing narratives of how we arrived at the current situation. […]

The Dangerous love for Israel: blind devotion? Part 2

When it comes to Israel, Gaza, Russia, and Iran many Christians are decidedly in favor of Israel. There is a sense in which this is fine. After all, Christians’ support for Israelis could be considered an example of loving our neighbor. In my last post, I laid a foundation arguing that the mission of God’s […]

Christians love for Israel: genuine or blind devotion? #1

We need to push the envelope. So here goes. Amidst the noise of global conflicts and geopolitical strife, one resounding question reverberates: Where does our allegiance truly lie as Christians? Many Christians proclaim a love for Israel as God’s chosen people. I wonder if we have conflated the love for a people with the love […]

When injustice isn’t injustice and justice is injustice

The title might be confusing but it makes sense. What happens when injustice is viewed in such a way that it isn’t considered an injustice? And what are we to do when what is deemed “justice” is actually “injustice”? I dare say, “Houston, we have a problem.” As the church, we are called to cry […]

Sorry Christianity Today, You are only making things worse

I really enjoyed listening to Mike Cosper’s (Christianity Today) podcast series, “The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill.” I appreciated the way he handled the discussions related to Mark Driscoll’s misconduct at Mars Hill. Cosper’s approach had a pastoral touch, almost as though he understood the experiences of individuals like myself, who have been hurt […]

Water as a weapon? Unraveling complexities in Isr-Palestine

Do you let your shower run until the water is hot—sometimes too long? How much of your monthly income is spent on water? I bet most Americans would have to think for a few minutes before they could answer these questions. What if you spent 33% of your income on water? And even then you […]

Words no child should have to say

“I’m scared. I swear, I’m scared. I just want to leave.” These are the tear-filled words of a child walking away from the rubble in Gaza. Another viral YouTube video shows a child climbing an electrical pole. When the father asks what he is doing up there, the boy responds, “I want to die.” I […]

Just war theory and Israel’s assault on Gaza

Let me make this clear: War is bad! If you need proof, please read this article titled, “People are hoping that Israel nukes us so we can get rid of this pain” (if you don’t need proof, read the article anyway). Now, I am amazed that as soon as I make such an assertion, I […]

Jesus & Politics: What you need to know & don’t want to hear

This week Determinetruth will begin a series of livestream events over the next 8 months to discuss the Church and politics. In this series, we will address a wide variety of issues. My conviction is that Jesus’ kingdom radically undermines the whole system. Yep, Jesus was neither a Democrat nor a Republican. Now, I am […]